Wills & Estate Planning

Smart estate planning for forward-planning families.
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An estate plan is more than a Will

It contains multiple documents which work together to protect you and your loved ones.

The benefits of estate planning:

Estate plans commonly include:

Here’s why people
choose us

Senior Lawyers Only

You will only deal with our senior estate planning lawyers who have a high level of experience and expertise.

Unlike other firms, you will not have to tell your story multiple times to different people.

Easy and Convenient

Speak to us from the comfort of your own home, by phone or by video link.

We service clients in all States and Territories of Australia. Face-to-face meetings are available for our Brisbane-based clients.

Affordable and Reasonably Priced

Due to our unique model, we provide a high quality, superior service, at an affordable price.

Want to learn more about estate planning?

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Frequently Asked Questions

What types of clients do you service?

We work with all individuals and families, including blended families, rural families, and families with special needs.

If you are a business owner, we can also provide business succession services to ensure the future of your business is secure.

How do you charge for your services?

The first step is to book a strategy session with one of our senior estate planning lawyers. Please view the ‘How does it work?’ section below on this page to learn more.

What sets you apart from other lawyers?

Our lawyers are leading minds in wills and estate planning, even publishing academic research in this field of law. When engaging with us, you’ll only deal with senior lawyers and not juniors or trainees.

Why do I need a lawyer?

A basic free will kit does not suit most people. There are many factors which must be carefully considered as part of an appropriate estate plan.

Engaging a lawyer ensures that your Will and estate plan has the effect that you intend, and will not be overturned after your passing.

What is the process of engaging you?

The first step is to book a strategy session with one of our senior estate planning lawyers. Please view the ‘How does it work?’ section below on this page to learn more.

How long has the firm been in practice?

Our firm was established in 2017. Collectively, our team has over 45 years of experience.

What is the initial consultation fee?

Please view the ‘How does it work?’ section below on this page to learn more about our strategy sessions.

Who will be handling my matter?

One of our senior lawyers will be your primary contact person. When engaging with us, you’ll only deal with senior lawyers and not juniors or trainees.

How can I get started with your firm?

The first step is to book a strategy session with one of our senior estate planning lawyers. Please view the ‘How does it work?’ section below on this page to learn more.

What geographical areas do you serve?

We service clients Australia-wide.

How does your firm ensure confidentiality?

By law, all communications between you and our firm are protected by legal professional privilege, whether or not you formally engage us to act on your behalf. We are legally bound to maintain full confidentiality of all things you discuss with us.

Take control of your future with expert estate planning advice.

How does it work?

The first step is to book an estate planning strategy session:

What do you get?

Over $1,600 in value for only $385.

No upfront payment required.
Book a strategy session now using the form below:

Claim your FREE Estate Planning Fact Sheet & Checklist now!

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